PEBBIES Dog Grooming Studio Houston, Texas | Phone #: (562) 260-4302 | GROOMED LOCALLY!


Pet grooming is about so much more than having a clean pet. Although our pets surely enjoy the extra snuggles they receive when they look and smell their best, regular brushing, bathing, and nail trims can also have a positive impact on their health and wellness.

 You may even assume that grooming your dog isn’t that important—after all, his coat looks to be in okay shape, so why bother? But grooming is so much more than a quick swipe with a brush; grooming is about looking after your dog’s skin, eyes, ears, nails, teeth, and yes, coat. Grooming is an essential part of caring for your dog. 

Grooming makes your dog look nice. While this may seem like a superficial reason, in actuality it can have a psychological effect on the people with whom he comes in contact. People and children may be afraid or suspicious of an unkempt dog. But a dog who looks well cared for will invite more people to interact with him, thereby giving him more opportunities to socialize. 

Grooming is a chance to give your dog’s body a good once-over. When you are brushing him, this is the time you are most likely to find any suspicious bumps or lumps that might be hidden by his coat. You’ll also find any mats that may be causing him pain. When you are cleaning his teeth, you might discover sore or bleeding gums and bad breath that may indicate a health problem. When you are trimming his nails, you may come across a sensitive spot or something caught in his paw pads. All of these potential issues will come to light when you are consistent with your grooming. Think of it as a weekly health check. The sooner you discover a problem, the more likely your veterinarian will be able to help your dog.

Grooming will help with the general sanitation of your house. The more you brush and comb your dog, the less hair and dander will shed inside your home (and on your curtains, couches, and rugs!). Plus, if someone in your family is prone to allergies, regularly brushing and bathing your dog can help tame some of the dander that causes flare-ups.

The last, and probably most fun reason to keep on top of your grooming duties, is that it’s a great way to bond with your dog. Too often we take our companions for granted, and grooming gives us the chance to slow down and pay some quality attention to our dogs. If you look at each task as a chance to give your dog some love and attention, then suddenly brushing, clipping, or bathing doesn’t seem like such a chore!

Dogs require regular brushing to remove debris and loose hairs, stimulate blood flow to the skin, and distribute oils evenly throughout the coat. Regular brushing keeps your pet’s fur free of tangles and mats, which could pull, tear, or restrict airflow to the skin.

Keeping your pet’s nails trimmed is an important part of pet grooming. Overgrown nails are not only uncomfortable, but they can also become ingrown and infected. Longer nails can contribute to arthritis of the knees.

Brushing your pet’s teeth is one of the best ways to protect him or her from dental disease, which affects up to 85% of pets by age 3. Daily brushing is best. If that isn’t possible, aim for at least twice per week. While you’re at it, be sure to inspect inside the mouth for problems like red or bleeding gums, foul breath, or lumps and bumps.

Check your pet’s ears weekly as part of your regular grooming routine by flipping them up and taking a peek inside. Red, inflamed ears; a foul odor; or excess wax or other debris indicate an infection that will need to be treated by your veterinarian.

Your pet’s eyes should appear shiny, clear, and moist.