The Method
Hand stripping is a special technique to remove fur by hand; pulling it out by the root (not just the top layer as when using the clipper) so new hair is able to grow in. By clipping a coat, only the top layer is taken off, so the dog’s coat looks duller in texture and color.
Wiry coated dogs, like West Highland White Terriers amongst others, have a specific growth cycle when the hair becomes thicker and whiter as it grows when using the hand stripping technique. The oldest hairs are selectively removed by hand or a special tool from the top coat by the root.

Hand stripping is a technique that the professional must understand, value well, perform correctly, analyze the phases of hair growth and take time to get to know each animal. When it is done with care, correctly and in the right time, the result is a dense, homogeneous, coarse, whiter, tight layer that appears generally every two months. Hand stripping with the right frequency, maintains the status of the coat, monthly or by rolling every week or every two weeks.
Westies are a double coated breed, meaning they have a soft downy undercoat for warmth and a harsh outer coat to protect their skin. The only way to obtain a coarse coat as it is supposed to be, is through regularly hand stripping their coat. Westies do not shed their coat on a seasonal basis as some breeds do, but the hair, if left unplugged, will just keep growing and growing becoming dull and softer. In addition, when performing hand stripping on a regular basis, the hair follicles are opened on a regular basis producing a great benefit for the health of the skin.
A hand stripped coat is much easier to keep clean. The hard hair does not retain dirt or odors and matting is usually non-existent. A hard coat is also the natural state of a Westie’s appearance.
The result will be a well maintain coat and skin, a dog that is easy to keep clean, and will have no odor.

Pebbies Dog Grooming Studio